Digital green printing has finally arrived at Barefoot Press with the installation of two high-speed…
Chatham County developer Nathan Wieler has kicked off the marketing campaign for Harvest.
Harvest is a residential community that is centered around an organic farm situated on 213 acres of forest and farmland on the Haw River. The project takes the concept of Community-Supported Agriculture one step further, by putting it right in your back (or front) yard. There are 19 lots available for reservation ranging in size from 10-11.5 acres.
We love this project, and were impressed with the natural beauty of the land and the down-to-earth presentation organized by Nate and his awesome staff at the grand opening event on July 12. Nathan Wieler describes his unique project: “Harvest maintains a commitment to environmental protection, conservation of resources, and green design standards. The most sensitive areas of the property are protected by extensive buffers, large and well-configured lots, limited impervious areas, highly functional low impact design techniques, and connectivity of ecologically important areas. Green design standards will inform all community architectural designs, while diversity in design will enhance the residential character of the project. Water and energy conservation are just a part of this effort to make the project reflect sustainability at Harvest…”
The farm, which is to be run as a separate, for-profit company, is not supported by HOA dues. The idea is to create a self-sustaining enterprise that benefits the community without creating a financial burden on residents. There is a central barn that serves dual purpose as both a center for operations and a meeting place for the community. As an amenity, residents will receive a share of produce from the harvest. Should you have the pleasure of chatting with the folks involved in farm operations at Harvest, it will quickly become apparent that they are experienced in the business of organic farming and committed to making it a success. Harvest is the type of creative and sustainable development that we hope to see more of in Chatham County.
Read more on the website.
Wieler contracted Raleigh’s green printer to produce the brochures and postcards to kick off the campaign. In keeping with the spirit of the development, all of the promotional material is produced to the highest green printing standard. 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper was used: 80# text for the brochure, 80# cover for the postcard. Soy inks were used throughout.